Thursday, February 9, 2012

What the fuck?

Tim's hacking my stuff.
I can fucking smell it, plus my email sent me something about changing my pw, I never requested that.
I don't fucking understand the fucking meaning of this fucking shit, fuck.
I hate it when people read my things, hence why NOBODY I know has me added on this Blogger,
It makes me feel violated, ever since my dad used to do it I get a shiver when I think about people reading what I write, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.

I don't want to have to break up with him for being a creep, wtf.
My bogus fucking life.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rationalizing a decision? It's just your imagination talking.

It's either you do or you don't.
Nothing else matters.

I recently joined a group of rappers,
I know, unbelievable but thy all seem to really dig my stuff, unless I'm coming at someone else in the group, I wrote a rap saying I was going to shoot some chick in the head if she ever spit about Big E again, I just got so angry.... I'm tired of all these people who never knew him talking about him.
She called his death a 'routine' amongst 'teens'... Eric wasn't even a teenager.
Of course I wasn't serious, I just needed to get my emotions out through writing violently. Haha

My dieting and working out is going quite splendidly, I bought fusion extensions too.
This summer is going to be amazing, I'm going to be walking around in swimsuit tops all freakin' summer with short shorts, I really don't even need to diet but I just want to lose a few pounds quick and get a bit more toned. I mainly want to lose weight on my arms, they're muscular but my mom says they're really bulky, I guess that's frowned upon on young women.

Mars is getting better at going inside :) I just stand on the stairs point and say "Go." and he'll trot right inside. He's becoming a giant! Yesterday we went on a 4 hour walk with my friend Guy and this lady was like "WOAH, BADASS DOG, I LIKE THAT. BADASS FREAKIN' DOG!" I was like, "Hell yeah" :D Other people just asked how old he was.
Guy, Mars, and I walked so far we ended up in one of the bad Mexican neighborhoods.
You could totally tell the difference from my part of Chicago and that one, the neighborhood just gradually got less pretty and more rundown looking.
There was two guys following us and making weird noises so Mars would look back every five seconds, eventually, Mars decided to poop on the sidewalk and one of them stepped in it >:] I laughed at that guy for 10 minutes, but that didn't stop him from following and making noises, so we stopped, waited for them to pass us, they were really quiet, and just turned the corner fast.
You'll find some odd people in Chicago, from the racist trippin' bum on the bus to wiggers who think they have balls, to hipsters. Hipsters are EVERYWHERE now, I can't even look at them, they're so late. I swag it out in my big combat boots with my long dark hair.

You're either old, wigger, hipster, polish, prep, or me.
The only place I feel at home is at The Alley, I'm thinking about working there >:) That's where I got my newest pair of combat boots, oh they're so beautiful <3

Tim ignored me for two days so I got really upset and said a lot of mean things...
A.K.A. "Go date some orange Christian bitch with blond hair who has her diploma and a major in dick sucking." I guess he feels bad about the whole thing because he called me three times last night while I was sleeping. I cried myself to sleep :/ I love him but he really pisses me off sometimes, I hate being ignored, it makes me feel like I'm alone even when I'm with someone, like there's no more hope.
I'm a teenager... I've got problems.