It doesn't mean anything, but I wish it did.
I held back for as long as I could then I gave in,
And Julian didn't like me as much as he said because
he said I'm a bitch to his best friend he used to sleep with.
Then they laughed and she was smug.
He sent me that text he meant to send her.
I told Tim I cheated, he went ape shit, posted it all over my facebook, rubbed it in,
Called me a thousand times, and sent me a million texts that consisted of terrible things including..
"I hate you"
But he finally stopped a few minutes ago because I called him and called him out on provoking me even though I did what was right so he could have a better reason to hate me. I'm really good at reading people, even though I shouldn't in times like these, when I don't sleep for a few days I don't really care how people react to me reading them it's some kind of freakish power I can't help.
I know Julian's friend was smug because when we were talking about it he kept saying he didn't mean it like that, I said I knew he was just doing it to boost her ego because she's not thrilled about the whole thing, and that's why I don't make friends with people who need their ego's boosted by lies.
(The previous day we had a talk, not only did he call me a bitch but he twisted the whole conversation and made me seem like one in one 150 character long text. The day before he told me he understood and that if I'd give him a chance he wouldn't ever hurt me.) Apparently, I was right on point. Then he started doing the vent thing, that thing people do when they're sitting by someone they have a problem with, but they don't talk to them about it, instead they text someone else. I was waiting for him to respond to what I was saying instead of just listening so I kept asking him to give input but he didn't know what to say, I already spewed it and there was no sugar coding it. I called him out on the venting thing, he looked surprised then impressed, smiled and said that was it, I asked him why he was still at my place and he started to read me the texts even though I kept telling him to stop. He says he really likes me...
but I don't know if I can do any of this anymore.
but I don't know if I can do any of this anymore.