Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Yesterday I had to bury an old friend...

Eric's funeral was yesterday, I went with two days of no sleep and I've had a constant headache no matter what I have taken for the past six days. Not even bud gets rid of it. I remember the first blunt we ever smoked he told me, "Katty.... Do you ever think about taking all that shit off? The nail polish, the eyeliner, just letting your hair grow? You could be a model." That nigga made me smile and feel naked when he told me that. And because of him, I did it. He made me see beauty in myself, and everyone else he brought around him. Out of all the people I know... He would have been the last to die. Because he was the best to me, when I left for three years and he'd run into my brother he'd always ask about me, no matter how hard he was trippin' or tweaking. Oh god.

I love you so much, Big E<3 I'm sorry we never got to smoke those blunts and drink those 40's like we planned. I'm sorry I can't even finish writing about you.